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Manor home for sale - Country estates in France

Would you like to buy or sell a Manoir of Country house in France?

Maison de Maitre - Manoir – Manor - Country Estate offers to search in many different types of property including the Manor type. For our users and advertisers it is not always easy to choose what type it represents. Manors are often Castles and Castles are often Manors whilst Manors can be Maisons de Maitre or Large family homes in a more contemporary setting.
Thus the Manor type name is also used for a more contemporary Maison de Maître in France or Mansion as it is known in most countries if it concerns a larger realty estate.
The Mansion or Manor as we know them today is always a large residential of office building located either in an urban setting or countryside setting, recognizable by its fairly rectangular structure. Their construction period found its height during the 19th century after the French revolution. A Mansion or Manor was always related to an economic function in the region from where the owner would manage its workers. Many of the very large dwellings in most countries have been converted into large comfortable and prestigious office buildings as they often became too costly to maintain.

The name "Maison de Maître" is mainly used to describe a large house of charm and stature.
Until the French revolution, a Manor or Mansion would typically belong to families of nobility and many have been deprived of their land, castles or manors during the revolution to benefit the upper middle class. Mansions, Castles and Manors became the comfortable statues of wealth for a new era of economic developers in wine making, agriculture, industry and horse management. As modernisation, such as construction of sanitation and electricity, brought about very high cost for the owners of large properties, they were often forced to sell and move to smaller urban properties which then became the modern and more comfortable alternative of housing.

Mansions, Manors, Maison de Maitre and Country houses or estates were mainly used by and built for regional notables and larger business owners as well as wealthy farmers.
These large houses were functional as primary living accommodation for their owners and family as well as larger office accommodation. The interior design of these large properties was efficient for managing both a hierarchy of private and office functioning.

A Manor was most often the residence of a lord. Early, mainly 14th and 15 century, built Manors (or castles) were fortified houses with visible non-intrusion elements such as huge, wall deep ditches and large platforms. Yet not meant to be used for military purpose.
To make a distinction between a Castle and a Manor is not always easy. Before the French golden age (19th century) Manors were usually the center of a farming related activity.

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  1 month     € 15.00
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Regions in the northern half of France - Google Maps


For sale Nord-Pas-de-Calais
59 Nord
62 Pas-de-Calais

For sale Picardie
02 Aisne
60 Oise
80 Somme

14 Calvados
27 Eure
50 Manche
61 Orne
76 Seine-Maritime

Île- de-France
75 Paris
77 Seine-et-Marne
78 Yvelines
91 Essonne
92 Hauts-de-Seine
93 Seine-Saint-Denis
94 Val-de-Marne
95 Val-d'Oise

For sale Centre Loire valley
18 Cher
28 Eure-et-Loir
36 Indre
37 Indre-et-Loire
41 Loir-et-Cher
45 Loiret

For sale Brittany
22 Côtes-d'Armor
29 Finistère
35 Ille-et-Vilaine
56 Morbihan

For sale Pays de la Loire
44 Loire-Atlantique
49 Maine-et-Loire
53 Mayenne
72 Sarthe
85 Vendée

08 Ardennes
10 Aube
51 Marne
52 Haute Marne

For sale Burgundy
21 Côte-d'Or
58 Nièvre
71 Saône-et-loire
89 Yonne


Grand Est

67 Bas Rhin
68 Haut-Rhin

For sale Franche-Comté 
25 Doubs
39 Jura
70 Haute Saône
90 Territoire de Belfort

54 Meurthe-et-Moselle
55 Meuse
57 Moselle
88 Vosges 

France MAP Départements

Regions in the southern half of France - Google Maps

Nouvelle Aquitaine
24 Dordogne
33 Gironde
40 Landes
47 Lot-et-Garonne
64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques

16 Charente
17 Charente-Maritime
79 Deux-Sèvres
86 Vienne

19 Corrèze
23 Creuse
87 Haute-Vienne


For sale Languedoc Roussillon
11 Aude
30 Gard
34 Hérault
48 Lozère
66 Pyrénées-Orientales


09 Ariège
12 Aveyron
31 Haute-Garonne
32 Gers
46 Lot
65 Hautes-Pyrénées
81 Tarn
82 Tarn-et-Garonne

For sale Auvergne
03 Allier
15 Cantal
43 Haute-Loire
63 Puy-de-Dôme

For sale Rhône-Alpes
01 Ain
07 Ardèche
26 Drôme
38 Isère
42 Loire
69 Rhône
73 Savoie
74 Haute-Savoie


Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

For sale Provence-Alpes
04 Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
05 Hautes-Alpes
13 Bouches-du-Rhône
84 Vaucluse

French Riviera
06 Alpes-Maritimes
83 Var


Sales Corsica

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